Have you ever lost your interest in an activity halfway through it? Have you ever implemented an initiative only to be left with half of the people you started with? Have you ever wished that things were moving on quicker? We have.
The development and implementation of significant initiatives can take a long time, spanning from a several months to a few years. Contacting people, defining the idea, securing funding, organising it and implementing it… are long processes that can drain the motivation of all but the most interested of people, especially when dealing with young people for whom six months or a year can mean a radical change in their interests, priorities, and needs.
This project co-funded by the European Union (2022-1-ES02-KA220-YOU-000087999), aims to develop strategies and tools to keep youngsters engaged throughout the lifecycle of the activity. By identifying good practices and developing methods to facilitate their participation, we aim to find ways to keep the activities relevant and interesting for them, and to no miss out on the great benefits of participation for all parties.
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