Youth work is a wonderful learning setting for democratic practices. Crafting the idea, working out the specifics, developing the logistics, coordinating aspects of it… train us to work in teams, to listen and to understand other people’s perspective and needs, and to reach compromises to achieve a common goal. However, this is often hindered by the presence of someone with specialized knowledge that tends to introduce an element of imbalance in the processes. In the end, organizing logistics, securing funds, navigating the bureaucracy, etc, are complex skills that benefit from experience.
So how can we reconcile the expertise and know-how of these people with the inherent democracy of a youth-led initiative? “Transformative Youth Leadership”, a project cofunded by the European Union (2024-1-ES02-KA220-YOU-000251305) aims to develop strategies to find a harmonious relation between these two key elements of youth work.
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